International shipping

What locations do you ship to? ships to over 100 locations worldwide. For a list of available locations, please click here.

When you place an international order, your transaction will be with Borderfree, but if you have any questions, concerns or customer needs, our associates will be happy to help you! For assistance, please call any time at +1-855-5-LAUREL or email us at We’re available 24 hours, 7 days a week.

Please note: If your location is not listed, it is currently not supported by Borderfree.

What is the delivery timeframe for my international order?

Because delivery timeframes vary, a more accurate estimate will be provided during checkout. Although we try our best to deliver your items during the estimated timeframe, delivery dates are not guaranteed.

If your merchandise is on backorder: We'll send you a detailed email if your merchandise temporarily becomes backordered with the manufacturer or vendor. This email will include a new expected ship date if available. If the expected shipping date is greater than 30 days or has changed twice, the email will also include instructions on how to accept or decline the backorder date.

Please note: Federal Trade Commission rule requires that you contact us within 30 days of the original ship date in these cases to avoid cancellation.

I live in the United States, can I use Borderfree to ship an order internationally, but pay in U.S. Dollars (USD)?

Yes, just provide a U.S. billing address along with a U.S. issued credit card during online checkout. Orders with an international shipping address must be placed through our international site.

Can I place an order if I have an international billing address and a U.S. shipping address?

Yes you can. To place your order, please call us any time at +1-855-5-LAUREL(+1-855-552-8735) or email us at We’re available 24 hours, 7 days a week.

Please note: Orders with an international billing address and a U.S. shipping address cannot be placed online.

What are my international shipping options?

Most in-stock items generally arrive within 4-13 business days after your order is received. ("Business days" means Monday-Friday, excluding holidays.) Since delivery timeframes vary depending on destination, a more accurate estimate will be provided during checkout.

Please note: Although we try our best to deliver your items during the estimated timeframe, delivery dates are not guaranteed.

What are the international shipping rates?

International shipping rates are determined during online checkout by Borderfree and are calculated based on a number of factors, including:

  • Desired shipping level (standard/express)
  • Merchandise purchased
  • Weight of item(s)
  • Destination location/region

Do you ship to U.S. military addresses (APO/FPO)?

Orders shipping to U.S. military addresses must be placed through our U.S. site, as they are not subject to the same costs and logistics flows as international orders.